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Characterisation of local chicken in low input - low output production systems: Is there scope for appropriate production and breeding strategies in Malawi?

AutorTimothy Nthaziyake Pearson Gondwe
VerlagCuvillier Verlag
Seitenanzahl196 Seiten
Preis19,60 EUR
This study was conducted to characterise local chickens and their production system in order to test whether there is potential and scope to improve their productivity and for sustainable utilisation of their genetic resources. The study had three approaches, each running concurrently with the other from the cold-dry season of 2002 to hot-dry season of 2003. Production system characterisation: A monitoring study was conducted among 134 participating households with local chicken flocks in 27 villages of Mkwinda and Mitundu Extension Planning Areas, Central Malawi. Flocks were monitored to determine their flock sizes and structure, breeding system and structure, feeding, housing and health management practices, from August 2002 to August 2003. Through these characteristics, potential and constraints were evaluated. Farmers and researchers jointly observed and recorded local chicken (LC). Data was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed using appropriate procedures of SAS. A marketing survey was conducted at Mitundu rural market and at two urban markets, Lilongwe and Kawale, all covering the catchments of the study area. The objective was to identify marketing potential for LC, thus complementing to their production system characterisation. Birds sold at the markets, sellers, sources, marketing prices and weights were recorded through direct interviews during the cold-dry season (2002) and the hot-wet season (2003). Sex and phenotypes of birds sold were recorded. Descriptive statistics and general linear model analyses was performed using SAS.

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