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Differences in NaCl stress tolerance of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)cultivars Elsanta and Korona

AutorAmina Sirag Saied
VerlagCuvillier Verlag
Seitenanzahl124 Seiten
Preis13,30 EUR
The response of plants to salinity stress depends on the type of plant, the type and concentration of salt and the environmental conditions. According to literature salinity, when applied in certain concentrations, can enhance the quality of some horticultural fruits. However, in most cases it was found to impair plant growth and production. Nevertheless, differences in the sensitivity of plants to salt stress exist not only among plant species but also within a certain species, which encourages the breeding programmes for resistant lines. This will allow the reuse of large agricultural areas which were deserted after being no more suitable for cultivation of salt-sensitive crops. Strawberries are considered among the plants that are sensitive to sodium chloride stress. In this study the effects of NaCl, which is assumed to be the most common type of salt stress, on the vegetative growth, leaf gas exchange and yield of the two strawberry cultivars ‘Elsanta’ and ‘Korona’ were investigated.

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