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English Linguistics

An Introduction

AutorChristian Mair
VerlagNarr Francke Attempto
Seitenanzahl274 Seiten
Preis15,99 EUR
'English Linguistics' is a compact and easy-to-use introduction to English linguistics which - is tailored to the needs of students of English at German, Austrian and Swiss universities, - contains graded exercises to motivate students to carry out independent research, and - bridges the gap between linguistics and the literary and cultural-studies components of the typical BA in English Studies. Bachelor-wissen 'English Linguistics' goes beyond the usual introduction in offering accompanying web resources which provide additional material and multi-media illustration.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Mair ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Englische Linguistik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

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Preface: how to use this book10
I Introduction – linguistic and other approaches to language12
1.1 Orientation12
1.2 Demonstration/discussion19
1.3 Problems and challenges24
1.4 Practice28
2 Phonetics and phonology – the sounds of speech32
2.1 Orientation32
2.2 Demonstration/discussion41
2.3 Problems and challenges45
2.4 Practice48
3 Morphology and word-formation – the structure of the word50
3.1 Orientation50
3.2 Demonstration/discussion:The major word formation strategies of present-day English55
3.3 Problems and challenges61
3.4 Practice65
4 Syntax I/general principles – the structure of the clause68
4.1 Orientation68
4.2 Demonstration/discussion74
4.3 Problems and challenges79
4.4 Practice82
5 Syntax II/the fundamentals of English grammar84
5.1 Orientation84
5.2 Demonstration/discussion90
5.3 Problems and challenges92
5.4 Practice96
6 Semantics and lexicology – the meaning of words100
6.1 Orientation100
6.2 Demonstration/discussion105
6.3 Problems and challenges110
6.4 Practice115
7 Pragmatics and discourse analysis120
7.1 Orientation120
7.2 Demonstration/discussion130
7.3 Problems and challenges132
7.4 Practice136
8 Applied linguistics, language teaching and translation studies138
8.1 Orientation138
8.2 Demonstration/discussion139
8.3 Problems and challenges145
8.4 Practice149
9 A pluricentric language –standard Englishes around the world152
9.1 Orientation152
9.2 Demonstration/discussion156
9.3 Problems and challenges162
9.4 Practice168
10 Dialectology – regional variation in English170
10.1 Orientation170
10.2 Demonstration/discussion171
10.3 Problems and challenges176
10.4 Practice178
11 Language in the city –social and ethnic variation, multilingualism182
11.1 Orientation182
11.2 Demonstration/discussion183
11.3 Problems and challenges187
11.4 Practice194
12 Language change and the history of English198
12.1 Orientation198
12.2 Demonstration/discussion206
12.3 Problems and challenges210
12.4 Practice214
13 Past masters, current trends – theorising linguistics for students of English218
13.1 Orientation218
13.2 Demonstration/discussion219
13.3 Problems and challenges228
13.4 Practice231
14 Linguistics and the public – language myths, language politics, language planning and language rights234
14.1 Orientation234
14.2 Demonstration/discussion238
Problems and challenges240
14.3 Problems and challenges240
14.4 Practice248
Glossary of linguistic terms252

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