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Exploring the Dead Sea Scrolls

Archaeology and Literature of the Qumran Caves

AutorHanan Eshel
VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl315 Seiten
Preis110,00 EUR
Among the most prominent hallmarks of the late Prof. Hanan Eshel (1958-2010) were his generosity, passion, and integrative approach. The eighteen essays in this volume were selected by Prof. Eshel shortly before his untimely death, to be printed as a collection aimed at contextualizing the textual finds of the Dead Sea Scrolls within their archaeological settings and within the contours of contemporary scholarship. The Qumran texts that stand at the center of these articles are correlated with archaeological and geographic information and with a variety of textual sources including epigraphic evidence and, especially, the Hebrew Bible, Josephus, and rabbinic texts. The essays are organized according to the provenance of the discovered material, with sections devoted to the Damascus Documentand the scrolls from Caves 1, 3, 4, and 11, as well as a final more general chapter. Half of the essays have been previously published in English, while the other half have been translated from Hebrew here for the first time. The book includes essays that have been co-authored with Esther Eshel, Shlomit Kendi-Harel, Zeev Safrai, and John Strugnell.

Hanan Eshel, Ph.D., was Professor at the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Barnea Levi Selavan is an educational archaeologist; currently an MA Candidate at Tel Aviv University. Shani Tzoref, Ph.D., is Professor at the Abraham Geiger College and the School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam, Germany.

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Title Page4
Table of Contents8
Previous Publications24
The Damascus Document28
Chapter 1: The Damascus Document’s “Three Nets of Belial”: A Reference to the Aramaic Levi Document?30
Chapter 2: The Seventy-Weeks Prophecy in Two Compositions from Qumran42
Chapter 3: CD 12:15–17 and the Stone Vessels Found at Qumran62
Cave 170
Chapter 4: Recensions of the War Scroll72
Chapter 5: Two Notes on Column 2 of the War Scroll (1QM)86
Chapter 6: The Two Historical Layers of Pesher Habakkuk100
Cave 3112
Chapter 7: What Treasures are Listed in the Copper Scroll114
Chapter 8: Aqueducts in the Copper Scroll132
Cave 4148
Chapter 9: The “Prayer of Joseph” from Qumran, A Papyrus from Masada, and the Samaritan Temple on Mt. Gerizim150
Chapter 10: Dibre Hame’orot and the Apocalypse of Weeks165
Chapter 11: When Were the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice Recited?171
Chapter 12: Abraham’s Fulfillment of the Commandment “Honor Your Father” in Early Jewish Exegesis and the Dead Sea Scrolls184
Cave 11192
Chapter 13: The Fortieth Anniversary of the Discovery of the Temple Scroll194
Chapter 14: Alphabetical Acrostics in Pre-Tannaitic Hebrew209
Chapter 15: Psalm 155: An Acrostic Poem on Repentance from the Second Temple Period227
Beyond Qumran256
Chapter 16: Dating the Samaritan Pentateuch’s Compilation in Light of the Qumran Biblical Scrolls258
Chapter 17: Megillat Ta‘anit in Light of Holidays Found in Jubilees and in the Temple Scroll282
Chapter 18: Some Notes Concerning High Priests in the First Century CE288
Index of Sources300
Index of Modern Authors311

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