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Fluch und Gebet: Magische Manipulation versus religiöses Flehen?

Religionsgeschichtliche und hermeneutische Betrachtungen über antike Fluchtafeln

AutorH. S. Versnel
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheHans-Lietzmann-VorlesungenISSN 10
Seitenanzahl66 Seiten
Preis54,95 EUR

This study touches on the vexed issue concerning the relationship of magic and religion. Ancient Greek and Latin curses written on lead tablets reveal a demarcation in terms of legitimacy and illegitimacy between two types. One type betrays characteristics that modern readers would associate with the notion of ‛magic’. The other type  is clearly marked by a mentality that we would range among the category of pious religiosity. They are submissive prayers for divine punishment of an unknown person who has wronged the author. The interesting thing is that the ancient users, though lacking an adequate terminology, were aware of this distinction and acted in accordance with the modes of conduct that we would associate with magic versus pious religiosity.

H. S. Versnel, Universität Leiden, Niederlande.

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Magische Manipulation versus religiöses Flehen?13

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