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Kooperation von Schule und Arbeitswelt

AutorAndreas Schwarz, Harro Naujeck
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl85 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis10,99 EUR
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich BWL - Sonstiges, Note: 1,7, Europa-Universität Flensburg (ehem. Universität Flensburg) (Institut Internationales Management), 53 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The project deals with the cooperation between schools and the professional world. Due to the topical discussion on the PISA 1 -examination, which imputes, the German school system would suffer from elementary educational deficits concerning the pupils' preparation for the professional world, we wondered, whether the reproaches towards the schools can be confirmed or not. To delimitate the subject, we set the goal to examine the present extent of cooperation between schools and the professional world in Schleswig-Holstein. A further delimitation refers to the cooperating institutes, where we merely focus on the cooperation between the representatives of the private economy on the one hand and (classical) secondary schools and comprehensive schools on the other hand. The reason for this delimitation is, that especially the private economy has to face the increasing demands of dynamically changing circumstances in the competition on the global market. Hence, there can be imputed, that the private economy has a growing interest in the educational qualification of its future employees. Originally, the secondary schools and the equivalent tracks of the comprehensive schools prepare for the attendance of academies and universities, but nowadays a lot of candidates for the matriculation step into the labour market directly, without having attended a university or academy inbetween. So especially these pupils are in need of an education that fits the demands of the professional world. As a reaction to the demands of the private economy, the educational goals of the schools and the individual desires and expectations of the pupils, there may exist a certain degree of cooperation beween these parties to cope with the goals in common. Yet, this cooperation can only take place within the legal boundaries, which in German schools are determined by the governments of the federal states like Schleswig-Holstein. The wide range of cooperation types can be summarized in three major categories. Profession-oriented measures focus on the mediation of professional skills and activities, that support the pupils' choice of profession. The customary activities within this category are [...]

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