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Paläographie / Palaeography

AutorSalomo A. Birnbaum
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
Seitenanzahl485 Seiten
Preis260,00 EUR

Salomo A. Birnbaum (1891‑1989) is the uncontested pioneer in two large closely related research areas, namely historical Jewish linguistics and the palaeography of Hebrew and all Jewish successor languages. This collection of essays provides a cross-section through Birnbaum’s life’s work. Volume I contains articles on Jewish philology and a survey of additional Jewish languages and individual studies. Volume II documents the development of Hebrew palaeography, which began to be established in the period between the 1930s and 1960s.

Erika Timm, University of  Trier, Germany.

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Blick ins Buch
Preliminary Note8
Solomon Birnbaum’s Life and Work10
Scholarly Articles by Solomon Birnbaum28
A. The Palaeo-Hebrew Script30
28. Table of Semitic Alphabets. 10th – 5th Centuries B.C.E.32
29. On the Possibility of Dating Hebrew Inscriptions36
30. The Dates of the Gezer Tablet and of the Samaria Ostraca42
31. The Palaeo-Hebrew Ostraca Sherds and a Fragment of a Stele, all from Samaria46
32. The Lachish Ostraca82
33. The Leviticus Fragments from the Cave108
B. The Hebrew Script118
34. The Development of the Hebrew Scripts120
35. Methodology in Hebrew Palaeography166
36. Notes on the Internal and Archaeological Evidence Concerning the Cave Scrolls176
37. The Dates of the Cave Scrolls182
38. How Old Are the Cave Manuscripts? – A Palaeographical Discussion186
39. The Qumran Scrolls and Palaeography208
40. The Date of the Isaiah Scroll220
41. The Date of the Habakkuk Cave Scroll226
42. The Date of the Covenant Scroll236
43. The Age of the Cave Scrolls: Two Letters to the London Times246
44. The Date of the Hymns Scroll248
45. The Date of the Incomplete Isaiah Scroll from Qumraˆn260
46. Bar Kosba (Kokhba) and Akiba270
47. Akiba and Bar Kosba (Kokhba)282
48. The Beth Mashku Document286
49. A Fragment in an Unknown Script302
50. An Unknown Aramaic Cursive306
51. The Negeb Script328
52. The Kephar Bebhayu Conveyance362
53. The Kephar Bebhayu Marriage Deed392
54. A Sheet of an Eighth Century Synagogue Scroll406
55. Die Vielfalt der hebräischen Schrift im Mittelalter414
56. Die Schrift des Dukus Horant416
57. Manuscripts in Old Yiddish424
58. Design for an Ornamental Ashkenazic Printing Type430
59. Das Datum des Codex Zimt Sand (Maase Bukh)432
60. Palaeographical Examination of the ‘Klein Manuscript’438
61. A Scrap from a Hebrew Manuscript of a Kitab al-Malah. im / {Kitab fi ilm al-jafr}446
62. The Etymology of the Term Mashait454
Index of Persons (in Chapters 28–62)484

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