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Solution Sets for Net Zero Energy Buildings

Feedback from 30 Buildings Worldwide

VerlagErnst & Sohn
Seitenanzahl252 Seiten
Preis70,99 EUR

Dr. Francois Garde is Professor at the Department of Sustainable Construction, Faculty of Engineering, University of Reunion, France. Josef Ayoub is Senior Science & Technology Planning Advisor for Natural Resources Canada in Montreal. Dr. Daniel Aelenei is Professor of building physics and building technical services at the Department of Civil Engineering of the ?Universidade Nova? Lisbon, Portugal. Dr. Laura Aelenei is a researcher at the National Energy and Geology Laboratory in Lisbon, Portugal. Dr. Alessandra Scognamiglio is a researcher at the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.

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Blick ins Buch
Solution Sets for Net Zero Energy Buildings: Feedback from 30 Net ZEBs worldwide1
About the editors11
List of Contributors15
IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme19
1: Introduction25
1.1 Why Another Book on Net Zero Energy Buildings?25
1.2 What is a Net Zero Energy Building?26
1.2.1 IEA SHC Task 40/EBC Annex52: Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings26
1.2.2 Target Audience: Designers and Their Clients27
1.3 Structure of This Book29
2: Net Zero Energy Building Design Fundamentals31
2.1 Net Zero Energy Building Definition and Classification31
2.1.1 Physical Boundary32
2.1.2 Balance Boundary34
2.1.3 Weighting System35
2.1.4 Normalization35
2.1.5 Balance Period36
2.1.6 Balance Types36
2.1.7 Further Requirements37
2.2 Net ZEB Case Studies: Building, Climate and Measure Classifications38
2.2.1 Climate Classification39
2.2.2 Building Type Classification40
2.2.3 Net ZEB Measure Classification40
2.3 Net-Zero Energy Strategies and Measures42
2.3.1 Passive Approach Strategies43
2.3.2 Passive Measures45
2.3.3 Energy Efficiency Strategies49
2.3.4 Energy Efficiency Measures52
2.3.5 Renewable Energy System Strategies53
2.3.6 Renewable Energy Measures56
2.4 Summary: Solution Sets57
2.4.1 Net ZEB Solution Sets and Associated Categories57
2.4.2 Other Considerations of Net ZEB Design and Solution Sets58
3: Net ZEB Case Study Buildings, Measures and Solution Sets63
3.1 Introduction63
3.2 The Case Study Buildings64
3.2.1 Residential Buildings65
3.2.2 Non-Residential Buildings69
3.3 Net ZEB Measures75
3.4 Net ZEB Measures in Case Study Buildings77
3.4.1 Passive Measures78
3.4.2 Energy Efficiency Measures89
3.4.3 Renewable Energy Measure98
3.5 Net ZEB Measure Summaries and Solution Sets111
3.5.1 Net ZEB Measures Deployment Summaries111
3.5.2 Solution Sets in Residential Buildings124
3.5.3 Solution Sets in Non-Residential Buildings125
4: Net ZEB Design Opportunities and Challenges127
4.1 Introduction127
4.2 Architectural Design and the Net ZEB Objective128
4.2.1 Energy Balance and Building Shape128
4.2.2 Renewable Energy Systems Design132
4.3 The Integrated Design Process137
4.3.1 The Importance of the Brief137
4.3.2 The Role of the Architect138
4.3.3 Organizational Design Decision Making138
4.3.4 Integrated Design Process and Net ZEBs139
4.4 The Influence of Renewable Energy Systems on Building Design141
4.4.1 Envelope Integrated Supply Options: Photovoltaics vs. Solar Thermal142
4.4.2 Photovoltaics145
4.4.3 Solar Thermal147
4.4.4 Photovoltaic - Thermal Combined Systems148
4.4.5 Wind Turbines150
4.5 New Design Opportunities and Existing Barriers153
4.5.1 The Right to Sunshine153
4.5.2 A New Idea of Building Physical Footprint154
4.5.3 Listed Buildings156
4.5.4 Renovation of Post- War Period Buildings156
4.6 The Appearance of Future Net ZEBs157
4.6.1 Net ZEBs Shapes and Performances: A Typological Repertoire157
4.6.2 A New Aesthetics Driven by Net ZEBs165
4.7 Concepts for Future Cities165
4.7.1 Urbanization Versus Sprawl: Towards Net Zero Energy Communities?166
4.7.2 Net ZEBs, Smart Grids and Smart Cities167
5: Monitoring and Post-Occupancy Evalution of Net ZEBs177
5.1 Introduction177
5.2 Why Monitor Building Energy and Comfort?178
5.2.1 Interests and Issues Related to Monitoring Buildings178
5.2.2 Monitoring to Improve Overall Building Performance180
5.3 A Standard Monitoring Protocol for Net ZEBs182
5.3.1 Monitoring System Planning184
5.3.2 Monitoring System Design186
5.3.3 Monitoring System Installation187
5.3.4 Monitoring System Operation187
5.4 Building Energy Monitoring Protocols189
5.4.1 Energy Monitoring Protocol189
5.4.2 Case Study: Energy Monitoring at ENERPOS190
5.5 Indoor Environmental Quality Monitoring and Post-Occupancy Evaluation194
5.5.1 Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Monitoring Protocol194
5.5.2 Case Study: Comfort Monitoring at ENERPOS198
5.6 Experience from Monitoring at 5 Net ZEBs206
5.6.1 Monitoring at 5 Case Study Buildings206
5.6.2 Building Management System210
5.6.3 Energy Results211
5.6.4 Comfort Measurements214
5.6.5 General Observations on Occupant Behavior214
6: Feedback from Building Designers, Engineers and Occupants219
6.1 Introduction219
6.2 Lessons Learned from the Design Process219
6.2.1 General Observations from the Design Process219
6.2.2 Design Hierarchy221
6.2.3 Motivations222
6.3 Lessons Learned from Building Designers, Engineers and Occupants223
6.3.1 Passive Design223
6.3.2 Energy Efficiency226
6.3.3 Renewable Energy229
6.3.4 Recommendations230
6.4 Occupant Consideration in the Design and Operation of Net ZEBs232
6.4.1 Effects of the Occupant Behavior on Energy Use and Comfort232
6.4.2 Automation vs User Controls233
6.4.3 Occupant Behavior Can Hinder Building Performance234
6.4.4 Lessons from Occupant Behavior in Net ZEBs235

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