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Textvernetzung in den Wissenschaften

Zitat und Verweis als Ergebnis rezeptiven, reproduktiven und produktiven Handelns

AutorEva-Maria Jakobs
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheReihe Germanistische LinguistikISSN 210
Seitenanzahl409 Seiten
Preis139,95 EUR
The study inquires into the way in which specialist (scholarly and scientific) texts are reproduced for research purposes and integrated into new texts. Of especial interest are factors influencing these processes. Situative factors have a bearing on the incorporation of receptive and productive processes into concrete social, cultural, and historical contexts, on the subject under discussion and various other things. Specific individual factors depend on the aims, motivation, or status of the scholar/scientist in question. The discussion is based on empirical data and is interdisciplinary in its orientation. Text-linguistic approaches are supplemented by concepts drawn from cognitive psychology and research on writing.

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