eBooks vom Autor: Karl-Heinz Uthemann

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Karl-Heinz Uthemann
3 E-Book vorhanden

Christus, Kosmos, Diatribe

E-Book Christus, Kosmos, Diatribe

This volume of essays identifies Christology, cosmography and diatribe as three important topics in the 'Early Church', i.e. the Roman Church as it developed after the Council of Nicea (325 AD…

Anastasios Sinaites

E-Book Anastasios Sinaites

At long last, this book provides a comprehensive study of the life and work of the 7th century monk and theologian Anastasius Sinaïta (Anastasios of Sinai). It analyzes his principal work,…