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Eine Topographie historischer Gleichzeitigkeit

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheMiscellanea MediaevaliaISSN 35
Seitenanzahl1048 Seiten
Preis320,00 EUR

This volume is dedicated to the year 1308. Its object is to open new perspectives with an invitation to reconsider our habitual viewpoints, to sharpen and extend them - by considering the year 1308, but also going beyond that year and its historical periphery. Beginning with a detailed local description, attention is drawn to a variety of thematic and methodological facets: perception of events, also bearing the discovery of new worlds in mind, Johannes Duns Scotus in context, theology in Paris, philosophy in Italy, medicine and poetry, Europe’s boarders, orthodoxy and heresy, 1308 reflected in art, and from Jewish and Islamic perspectives.

Andreas Speer und David Wirmer, Universität zu Köln.

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Ramon Llull in 1308: Prison, Shipwreck, Art, and Logic (p. 609-610)

Anthony Bonner (Palma de Mallorca)

For Ramon Llull 1308 was a very special year. Not only did it follow a dramatic year in which he was stoned while proselytizing in North Africa, imprisoned, and then shipwrecked on his return to Europe, but in its own way it was a kind of annus mirabilis, and this in two ways. In the first place, it was probably the most productive year of an extraordinarily productive career - one in which he finished thirteen works (see Appendix I). And secondly, it was a pivotal year in his presentation of three different approaches to the task which for him was fundamental: the development of techniques capable of converting non-Christians.

The dramatic events of the year before occurred on his second voyage to North Africa, strikingly different from the first he had undertaken in 1293, fourteen years previously. Then he had gone to Tunis, where he had engaged the local doctors of the law in rational and pacific discussions on the merits of their various religions. When it became clear that his arguments were not completely unconvincing, he was simply asked to leave. All this was in striking contrast to his voyage of 1307, to the town of Bougie (or Bejaya) in presentday Algeria. There, as the ,Vita coaetania‘, an account of his life he dictated to Parisian monks near the end of his life, says, „In the main square of the city, Ramon, standing up and shouting in a loud voice, burst out with the following words: ,The Christian religion is true, holy, and acceptable to God; the Saracen religion, however, is false and full of error, and this I am prepared to prove‘.“ This was the only time in his life he used such provocative tactics. Why he did it, we don’t know; it might have been an attempt to try the Franciscan model of gaining adherence by showing a willingness to face martyrdom. In any case, the reaction could scarcely have been more violent. He was stoned, broughtbefore the cadi of the city, who, after a brief discussion, had him jailed, at first „in the latrine of the thieves’ jail“ and then in an ordinary cell. While he was there, Muslim clergymen and emissaries from the cadi came to dispute with him, and finally it was agreed that each would write a book giving the best arguments for their own religion. Llull was hard at work on his version, when orders came that he be expelled immediately from the country.

But this wasn’t the end of his troubles. As recounted in the ,Vita coaetania‘:
„On the journey to Genoa, when the ship was near the Port of Pisa, about ten miles offshore, a great storm arose, and the ship suffered the violent blows of the tempest on all sides, until at last it sank. Some were drowned, while others, with the help of God, escaped; among the latter were Ramon and a companion of his, who, even though they lost all their books and clothing, and were almost naked, managed to make it to shore in a rowboat.“

1308: Eine Topographie historischer Gleichzeitigkeit16
Anno Domini 1308. Anmerkungen zur Zeitrechnung30
Weltbild und Weltkenntnis in der Kartographie um 1308. Die Ebstorfer Weltkarte und die Rundkarte im Portulan- Atlas des Pietro Vesconte40
Kanarische Inseln52
Die , Wiederentdeckung‘ der Kanarischen Inseln. Kolonialität und neue Weltsicht54
Iberische Halbinsel66
Macht und Expansion auf der Iberischen Halbinsel. Arago ´ n, Kastilien und Portugal im Spiegel ihrer auswärtigen Beziehungen um 130868
1308: Walter Burley’s ,De Generatione‘ Commentary122
Scotistic and Ockhamist Contributions to Kilvington’s Ethical and Theological Views131
1308 Il piano di Clemente V per salvaguardare l’ordine dei Templari152
Die Chinon-Charta von 1308 - die Wende im Templerprozeß? Ein archivalischer Fund und sein publizistisches Echo167
Paris - Ketzerprozesse186
Haeretici relapsi. Jean de Pouilly und die juristischen Grundlagen für die Hinrichtung der Tempelritter188
The Role of University Masters and Bachelors at Paris in the Templar Affair, 1307- 1308198
Philippe le Bel von Frankreich und die Universität von Paris. Zur Rolle der Intellektuellen am Beginn des 14. Jahrhunderts209
Freiheitsdiskurs und Beginenverfolgung um 1308 - der Fall der Marguerite Porete226
,La Vie de saint Louis‘ von Jean de Joinville264
Paris - Universität294
Final Phases of Medieval Hebraism: Jews and Christians between Bible Exegesis, Talmud and Maimonidean Philosophy296
Wahrheitsspiele. Die Herausbildung der mittelalterlichen Korrespondenztheorie der Wahrheit vom Standpunkt einer antirealistischen Wahrheitstheorie aus betrachtet313
Durandus modernus? Der Glaube eines ( anti) thomistischen Theologen im Jahr 1308346
Seligkeitsdebatten um 1308367
Durandus de St. Porciano - ein Wendepunkt in der Debatte um die Gleichheit der Seelen?397
Une anthropologie dans l’horizon scotiste: FrancXois de la Marche415
Drei Theorien des Allgemeinen um 1308. Ein historischer Querschnitt429
Bernard de Gordon and Arnald de Villanova: A Tale of Two Regimes446
Zwischen Kurie und Königshof: Jacques Due` se, Bischof von Fre ´ jus, sizilianischer Kanzler und künftiger Papst466
Köln 1308. Erinnerung, Quellen, Konstruktionen488
1308 - Kein interessantes Jahr? Das Jahr 1308 in jüdischen Chroniken und seine Bedeutung für die jüdische Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung502
Scotus’s Legacy513
Johannes Picardi von Lichtenberg, Dietrich von Freiberg und Meister Eckhart: Eine Debatte in Deutschland um 1308543
„ Quam diu istud cadaver equitare permittemus?“ Die Ermordung König Albrechts I. im Jahre 1308 und das Kloster Königsfelden568
Zur Diversität bei der Wahrnehmung von Ereignissen: Die Berichte zum Jahr 1308 in den Papst- Kaiser- Chroniken des Spätmittelalters584
Ein gutes Jahr: Die körperliche Liebe als Wiederherstellung des Paradieses in der französischen Minneallegorie in medizinischer Theorie und poetischer Praxis614
Ramon Llull in 1308: Prison, Shipwreck, Art, and Logic636
Tra il ,Convivio‘ e la ,Commedia‘: Dante e il „ forte dubitare“ intorno al desiderio naturale di conoscere le sostanze separate658
The Madonna Protectress of Siena in the , Maesta`‘ Altarpiece by Duccio ( 1308- 1311)690
1308 - Geburtsjahr der , Maesta`‘, des monumentalen, politisch akzentuierten Madonnenbildes in Italien719
Re ´ ussir sans raison( s). Autour du texte et des gloses du Liber De bona fortuna Aristotilis dans le manuscrit de Melk 796 ( 1308)732
„ Nepos vindicabit avum.“ Die Ermordung Albrechts I. am 1. Mai 1308 im Bewufltsein der böhmischen Gesellschaft des 14. Jahrhunderts800
Eine entscheidende Wende, die nicht entscheidend schien. Die Zeit des Niedergangs Böhmens um das Jahr 1308 als Voraussetzung für einen neuen Aufstieg des Landes816
unum imperium magnum per se - Bulgarien 1308836
Demetrius Cydones’ Translation of Bernardus Guidonis’ List of Thomas Aquinas’ Writings and the Historical Roots of Byzantine Thomism856
Die richtungweisende Eroberung der Insel Rhodos durch den Johanniterorden um das Jahr 1308912
Die Einsetzung des Metropoliten Petr Moskovskij im Jahre 1308 als ein Momentum in der russischen mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Historiographie928
Islamischer Osten948
6. Ragab 707- 17. Ragab 708. Das Jahr 1308 aus islamischer Perspektive950
Die Missionen des Franziskanischen Ordens um 1308 und Duns Scotus’ Franziskanismus966
Verzeichnis der Handschriften1018
Verzeichnis der Frühdrucke1020

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