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Profit Sharing and Company Performance

AutorMarija Urgakovic
VerlagDUV Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag
Seitenanzahl135 Seiten
Preis42,25 EUR
Marija Ugarkovic examines whether financial participation can contribute to a more equitable distribution of income and wealth, whether it can increase employment and lead to improved company performance. The author uses a large-scale German establishment panel thus proving the beneficial impact on productivity and employment. In addition, she shows that profit sharing does not lead to a reduction of base wages but is paid in addition to regular wages. It becomes evident that profit sharing has more positive effects for large firms than for small and medium-sized companies.

Dr. Marija Ugarkovic promovierte bei Prof. Dr. Kornelius Kraft am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik der Universität Dortmund. Sie ist als Unternehmensberaterin bei Simon-Kucher & Partners tätig.

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Definition, Incidence and Determinants of Profit Sharing (p. 6)


The concept that employees might be paid in part out of profits is not new. The German economist Johann Heinrich von Thünen proposed theoretical arguments for profit sharing as early as 1850 (Thünen, 1850). First profit sharing plans in the United States were reported in 1794 (Coates, 1991). In a strict sense, profit sharing means that profits are shared between capital owners and employees by giving employees in addition to a fixed wage a variable part of income directly related to profits or some other measure of company performance. As opposed to traditional bonuses which are linked to individual performance, profit sharing is a collective scheme applied to all or most employees in a firm or establishment. The rules determining the level of the profit sharing bonus and its distribution between employees are usually determined in advance (Uvalic, 1991, OECD, 1995).

In practice, profit sharing can take different forms. The main differences concern the timing of the benefits and the mode of payment: profit sharing can provide employees with immediate or deferred benefits and it can be paid in cash, company shares or other securities. Cash-based profit sharing links employee bonuses directly to some measure of firm performance (e.g. profits, sales or value added) and most frequently provides an immediate payment. It can, however, also be designed as a deferred scheme where cash bonuses are frozen on special accounts for a determined amount of time or where a certain percentage of profits is allocated to company funds which are then invested in the name of employees.

Share-based profit sharing, on the other hand, involves the possibility of employees acquiring shares in the company free or on preferential terms. Usually, they are frozen in a fund for a certain time period before employees are allowed to dispose of them and can therefore be considered as a deferred scheme. By definition, employee shareholding schemes are only included if the share allocation can be regarded as profit sharing bonus. Regular distributions of share or stock options which are independent of firm performance are excluded (Uvalic, 1991, OECD, 1995).


Data on the international incidence of profit sharing is extremely sparse. According to the statistics of the European Commission (Poutsma, 2001) and the OECD (1995), the percentage of firms with a profit sharing system is everywhere quite low except for the cases of France and the United Kingdom which both have a long tradition of encouraging financial participation (Table 1). Historically, the system of financial participation in France has Gaullist right-wing roots. De Gaulle’s vision on the cooperation between capital and labour motivated him to introduce financial participation after World War II. The system was, however, never supported by left-wing socialist ideology and so financial participation was never really associated with the idea of participative structures.

Despite the changes of left- and right-wing governments in France, the French legislation has continuously offered a legal framework and generous tax advantages to cash-based and deferred profit sharing since the end of the 1950s (Poutsma, 2001).
List of Figures10
List of Tables12
Definition, Incidence and Determinants of Profit Sharing19
The Economic Impact of Profit Sharing30
Theoretical Considerations31
Profit Sharing and Productivity31
Profit Sharing and Employment35
Prior Empirical Studies on the Impact of Profit Sharing41
Employment Levels47
Employment Stability49
Data Set and Econometric Methods52
Data Set and First Descriptive Results52
Microeconometric Evaluation Methods56
Experimental Evaluation Methods58
Non-Experimental Evaluation Methods59
The Output, Employment and Productivity Effects of Profit Sharing70
Theoretical Considerations70
Econometric Model72
Empirical Study76
Profit Sharing: Supplement or Substitute?84
Theoretical Considerations84
Empirical Study88
Profit Sharing and the Financial Performance of Firms92
Theoretical Considerations92
Empirical Study93
Profit Sharing and Works Councils: Substitutes or Complements?98
Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence99
Empirical Study104
Conclusions and Outlook114
List of Appendices119
A Appendix to Chapter 4121
A.1 Variable Definition121
A.2 Mean Industry Comparison of Firms with(out) Profit Sharing122
B Appendix to Chapter 5123
B.1 Results from Conditional Difference-in-Differences-Estimation, Existence of Profit Sharing123
B.2 Mean Comparison of Firms with(out) Profit Sharing123
B.3 Frequency Distribution of Propensity Scores124
B.4 Results of Probit Estimation, Existence of Profit Sharing124
B.5 Results of Conditional Difference-in-Differences-Estimation (incl. Capital Stock), Existence of Profit Sharing125
C Appendix to Chapter 6126
C.1 Results of Probit Estimation126
C.2 Frequency Distributions of Propensity Scores127
D Appendix to Chapter 7128
D.1 Results of Probit Estimation128
D.2 Frequency Distributions of Propensity Scores129
E Appendix to Chapter 8130
E.1 Results of Conditional Difference-in-Differences-Estimation, Existence of Profit Sharing, 21- 100 Employees130
E.2 Results of Conditional Difference-in-Differences Estimation, Existence of Profit Sharing, 101- 1000 Employees130

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