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The fish community of a tropical organically polluted river: a case study of the Logawa River, Central Java, Indonesia

AutorW. Lestari
VerlagCuvillier Verlag
Seitenanzahl116 Seiten
Preis12,60 EUR
Detecting the human impacts on riverine systems is challenging because of the diverse biological, chemical, hydrological and geophysical components that must be assessed. A long history of human alteration has ensured that there are few Asian rivers in pristine condition and many are in a damaged state. Although there have been many studies on the ecological effect of pollution in Asian Rivers, few studies have been conducted in Indonesia. Many previous studies have been demonstrated that type of land use affected water quality and aquatic organisms of river, but most of these studies were conducted in temperate regions particularly in Europe and much less is known about the relationships between river condition and land use type in tropical areas of developing countries. This study attempts to determine the impact of non-point pollution on the fish community of the Logawa River, Central Java, Indonesia. The pollution comes mainly from agricultural areas and human settlements, which are the predominant land use in the surrounding areas. The research was conducted during two wet seasons (September 2000 – February 2002) in the 30 sites surrounded by five different types of land use: Agricultural areas (Aa), Agricultural areas & human settlements (Aahs), Human settlements (Hs), Human settlements & agricultural areas (Hsaa) and Secondary forest & agricultural areas (Sfaa). Fish was collected by three different methods (seine net; electric fishing and combined of both methods) and 23 of physico-chemical and biological parameters were measured in each sampling site.

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