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Praktische Theologie

Ein Lehrbuch

AutorJan Hermelink, Kristian Fechtner, Martina Kumlehn, Ulrike Wagner-Rau
VerlagKohlhammer Verlag
Seitenanzahl289 Seiten
Preis26,99 EUR
This textbook presents in compact form what one needs to know today in the field of practical theology. It can accompany university courses and can be used to prepare for examinations. It is also useful for further education for ministers and priests. The book starts with four brief survey articles on the prerequisites for contemporary practical theological thinking. The central fields of Christian practice are then developed in a problem-oriented fashion, in each case based on the following structure: marking out current challenges, orientation in the field of action, empirical findings, historical and systematic reference points, basic practical and theological provisions, current debates and issues for the future.

Prof. Kristian Fechtner, University of Mainz; Prof. Jan Hermelink, University of Göttingen; Prof. Martina Kumlehn, University of Rostock; Prof. Ulrike Wagner-Rau, University of Marburg.

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