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Musikerfahrung und Sozialisation - Mit Musik geht alles besser

Mit Musik geht alles besser

AutorAngelika Kopetzky
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl189 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis19,99 EUR
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Pädagogische Soziologie, Note: 1,0, Universität Wien (Erziehungswissenschaften), 137 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: ABSTRACT - This paper deals with experiences with music and socialization. It shows the influence of music on human development, especially in childhood and adolescence. A leading thesis of this paper is that with music everything works better. This question is answered by the reflections of situations in which music helps to a positive result. The functions of music, music as a background, relaxation with music, the coping with conflict situations, music as a social contact, help for self-realization, music and its symbol function, fun and pleasure with music, the annoyance and disturbance because of music and mutual dependence of music and society are specifically explained in this paper. Special attention relating to this lies in adolescence. The 'new type of socialization' is set in combination with these functions. This new type shows the strong self-admiration of youth. A very important aspect of this paper is the development of identity, which supports the development of self and individuality. That is the reason, why a special interest lies in these aspects. Therefore the process of 'Separation and Individuation' by MAHLER and the 'Development of Identity' by ERIKSON, which explain the essential stages of development in childhood, are shown in this paper. They play an important role, especially in the process of socialization. The models by JOSSELSN and ERIKSON build up on these aspects. They explain the development of identity in adolescence and important facts of socialization. The leading question of the importance of experiences with music for the process of human socialization is regarded with respects to these aspects. Another try is to compare music with society and to project the developments in society on the development of music. The dependent relationship of music, society and political situations is shortly described from 2000 BC until nowadays. It is mostly concentrated on the last 50 years, because the meaning of music for adolescents and their socialization has gained importance in this period of time. Finally, a qualitative research corroborates the assumptions that are made in this paper.

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