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Mythen in nachmythischer Zeit

Die Antike in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Gegenwart

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
Seitenanzahl391 Seiten
Preis59,95 EUR

This collection of essays reports on the present state and tendencies in the reception of Classical Antiquity in present-day literature written in German. It focuses on the continuing influence and potential of the classical tradition, its vitality and diversity, highlighting the different approaches and perspectives in accessing Classical Antiquity. The papers deal with texts by Brasch, Braun, Fichte, Fried, Grünbein, Hacks, Haefs, Handke, Jens, Köhlmeier, Kunert, Müller, Ransmayr, Schütz, Strauss and Wolf. They are arranged exemplarily and pay particular attention to questions of literary form as well as to the function of the classical tradition in the context of the author's overall production. In addition to the essays (written by scholars in Classics and German Studies specialising in the modern reception of the Classics) the volume contains programmatic statements by the authors themselves, which were specially written and selected for this purpose.

Bernd Seidensticker holds a Chair in Classics at the Free University of Berlin.

Martin Vöhler is a researcher working on the DFG-funded project on the 'Reception of Classical Antiquity in present-day literature written in German.'

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