eBooks vom Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Nietzsche-Wörterbuch Bd 1

E-Book Nietzsche-Wörterbuch Bd 1

Das Nietzsche-Wörterbuch ist das erste umfassendes Lexikon speziell zu Nietzsches Vokabular. Insgesamt werden etwa 300 Begriffe eingehend erläutert, 67 davon im ersten Band. Berücksichtigt werden u.…


Kein E-Book Cover vorhanden

Wie eine Geschichte der Philosophie zu schreiben ist, ist nicht nur selbst ein systematisches Problem der Philosophie, eine entsprechend verfasste Philosophiegeschichte hat Konsequenzen für die…

Semantische Kämpfe

E-Book Semantische Kämpfe

Dominance and power are also exercised through semantics. When viewing language as a means for asserting certain views on controversial topics in intellectual domains (e.g. medicine, economics,…

Transitus Mariae

E-Book Transitus Mariae

The discussion about the beginnings of Transitus-Mariae literature (apocryphal texts about the life and death of the Mother of Jesus) is marked by two hypotheses. The first is marked by the…

Abram - Abraham

E-Book Abram - Abraham

This substantial contribution to Pentateuch research shows paradigmatically how the politico-geographical concepts from Genesis 14 and the concepts of the theology of promise in Gen 15 are…


E-Book Endometriose

World-wide millions of women in their reproductive prime suffer from endometriose. This widespread disease with benign tumour characteristics strongly impacts the lives of affected women,…

Text - Verstehen

E-Book Text - Verstehen

This volume examines the question: What happens when texts are comprehended? Written by academics from a variety of countries renowned in the field, the nineteen principal essays investigate the…


E-Book Transplantationsmedizin

This book is for making all aspects of transplantation medicine and its benefits for patients more accessible to doctors in private practice. Short and clear chapters on theoretical basics…


E-Book Unfallbegutachtung

A standard and therefore indispensable reference work for all who prepare, order, appraise, or evaluate reports on the consequences of accidents. This work convinces with its ability to combine…


E-Book Optik

For students of physics in their foundation and main study courses, this book is an accompanying text above all for lectures and placements in elementary and higher experimental physics in the…

Weisheit aus der Begegnung

E-Book Weisheit aus der Begegnung

The foundation for this study is the Wisdom of Ben Sira, a book of wisdom from the beginning of the 2nd century BCE. As a teacher of wisdom, Ben Sira wishes to provide education. He is the first…

Schilddrüse 2007

E-Book Schilddrüse 2007

'From the foundations to the clinical picture' was the motto of the 18th Henning Symposium on the human thyroid which was held in Heidelberg in October 2007. The proceedings are brought together…

Das narrative Urteil

E-Book Das narrative Urteil

Drawing on Greimas' narrative semiotics and on cognitive science, Richter develops his theory of the 'narrative judgement' as the core of the 'narrative negotiation of problems'. Narratives…

Stamm und Landschaft

E-Book Stamm und Landschaft

With his Literaturgeschichte der deutschen Stämme und Landschaften ['Literary History of the German Tribes and Landscapes'] Josef Nadler is one of the most important 20th century scholars in…

Spielräume der Medialität

E-Book Spielräume der Medialität

This book connects the fundamental theoretical question of the object of linguistic analysis with the topical subject of 'media'. It is concerned in particular with the concept of competence - if…

Theater im Aufbruch

E-Book Theater im Aufbruch

In the transition to the Early Modern Age, drama forms the dominant genre. With its speed of production and its position between the written and the oral, between the urban 'entertainment industry…

Ibas von Edessa

E-Book Ibas von Edessa

With his letter to the Persian Mari, Ibas of Edessa († 457) got caught up between the millstones of the different dogmatic positions in the 5th century Christological conflict. This…

Europäisches Nuklearrecht

E-Book Europäisches Nuklearrecht

The handbook presents the European system of nuclear law in its entirety. Explanations of the nuclear law system and its technical foundations are presented to the reader. The descriptions of…

Simon Dach (1605-1659)

E-Book Simon Dach (1605-1659)

The papers in this volume deal with central aspects of Simon Dach's complete poetic works. One focus is on intensive textual interpretations, which take up topical research issues and apply their…

Philipp von Zesen

E-Book Philipp von Zesen

The volume contains the papers given at a conference held in Basle in Autumn 2006 on the writer Philipp von Zesen (1619-1689). The publication – the first collected volume devoted to this…

Praxis in der Ethik

E-Book Praxis in der Ethik

Whenever modern, secular nations look for social orientation or political direction, ethical reflection is required. But what does it mean for ethics as an academic discipline to leave the ivory…


E-Book Kant

According to Kant, all thinking stays bound to the original subject of thinking and its possibilities. Simon describes Kant's work as a system that distinguishes its own particular approach to…

Die Erfindung des Menschen

E-Book Die Erfindung des Menschen

The work presents a comprehensive account of autobiographical writing in Early Modern Humanism. It deals in particular with autobiographical writings in Modern Latin from the 14th cent. until…

Die Welt der Götterbilder

E-Book Die Welt der Götterbilder

Divine images create their own world of theological reflection and religious practice. Pictorial representations have to reduce complexity, yet at the same time they create their own complexity.…

Erinnerte Reformation

E-Book Erinnerte Reformation

The volume contains ten historical theological studies tracing the significance of Luther for Protestant religious culture (mainly in the German-speaking world) since the Reformation. The approach…

Gewalt im Bild

E-Book Gewalt im Bild

Nur wenige Bilder beschäftigen und polarisieren die gesellschaftliche Diskussion unserer Zeit so sehr wie Darstellungen von Gewalt. Mediale Gewalt wird dabei meist als unmittelbarer Ausdruck von…

Medizinischer Wortschatz

E-Book Medizinischer Wortschatz

In this book the 2200 most important medical terms, their origin as well as their historical and mythological meaning are explained. Franz Pera, Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster; Heinz-…

Barbar - König - Tyrann

E-Book Barbar - König - Tyrann

Theoderich der Große (um 453-526) gehört zu den faszinierendsten Herrschergestalten der Völkerwanderungszeit. Wie kein anderer Germanenkönig beeindruckte und polarisierte der Ostgote seine Mit- und…

Aufklärung und Esoterik

E-Book Aufklärung und Esoterik

The Age of Enlightenment continues the debate with traditional elements from Neo-Platonism and Hermetism, Pythagoreanism, magic, alchemy and Kabbalah which today are subsumed under the heading of…


E-Book Standardvariation

The papers in this volume focus on the following questions: what does the term 'standard language' comprise, how has Standard German developed since the 19th century, how can linguistics…


E-Book Nanotechnologie

In this work, the basic principles of nanotechnology and its most important fields of application are presented and the current state of knowledge and the discussion surrounding the evaluation of…


E-Book 1.1.-30.6.2004

The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding…


E-Book Welt-Zeit

This book offers a survey of the Christian chronicle of the world: From its beginning in Late Antiquity to its heyday in the High Middle Ages, ending with its last great representatives in the age…

Gott in der Geschichte

E-Book Gott in der Geschichte

This collected volume contains 25 essays by the Church historian Ekkehard Mühlenberg. They focus on the Age of Late Antiquity. The substantive focus is provided by discussions between…


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