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Friedrich Loofs in Halle

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheArbeiten zur KirchengeschichteISSN 114
Seitenanzahl359 Seiten
Preis189,95 EUR

Friedrich Loofs was professor of church history at the University of Halle from 1888 to 1927. Alongside his work as a scholar and teacher, he was very active as a pastor and in the political and social arena during these years. This book contains ten essays which illuminate the work of Loofs in the field of the history of dogma, his scholarly friendship with Harnack, his contributions to anniversary celebrations of the Reformation, his political commitment to Armenia, his work as university preacher and his honorary office as guardian of the poor in Halle. At the same time, using a prominent professor as example, the book illustrates the importance of a university and its members not only for the different disciplines but for the success and flourishing of a city and the surrounding region as a whole.

Jörg Ulrich, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

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Horizontale Tabs

Blick ins Buch
Friedrich Loofs. Ein protestantischer Dogmengeschichtler12
Friedrich Loofs und die Dogmengeschichte32
Friedrich Loofs und die Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche50
Historismus und Tradition74
Friedrich Loofs. Jubilar, Jubiläum und Jubiläumsforscher132
Der Geist der Zeit und das Evangelium der Reformation156
Der Ararat kam zu Loofs196
Friedrich Loofs und das Notwendige Liebeswerk246
Friedrich Loofs als Prediger260
Soziale Sorge von Mensch zu Mensch306
Zeitgenossen von Friedrich Loofs358

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