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Abraham ibn Esras langer Kommentar zum Buch Exodus

Bd 1: Parascha Schemot bis Beschalach (Ex 1-17). Bd 2: Parascha Jitro bis Pekudej (Ex 18-40)

AutorAbraham Ibn Esra
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheStudia JudaicaISSN 17
Seitenanzahl1267 Seiten
Preis354,95 EUR

The medieval biblical scholar Abraham ibn Ezra was born about 1089 CE in Spain, emigrated shortly before 1140 to Italy, and later went on to France and England. He died in the year 1164. On the basis of the Warsaw textual edition as well as several manuscripts, this work in two volumes offers a German edition of Abraham ibn Ezra's long commentary on the book of Exodus, written in the year 1153 in France.

In addition to the critical translation, accompanied by extensive commentary, there are two comprehensive introductions at the beginning of the present edition: the first deals among other things with the questions of whether Abraham ibn Ezra is the author of the commentary edited, and when and where he wrote it. The second is concerned with the sources employed by Abraham ibn Ezra; therefore the edition becomes a basic introduction to Jewish exegesis of the Bible in the classical period.

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