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The Politics of the Indonesian Rainforest

A Rise of Forest Conflicts in east Kalimantan during Indonesia´s Early Stage of Democratisation

AutorI Ketut Gunawan
VerlagCuvillier Verlag
Seitenanzahl398 Seiten
Preis28,00 EUR
This last chapter is divided into two main parts. The first part compares the key findings of the study cases of Matalibaq and Long Bagun Ulu (Chapter 5 and 6 respectively), with the focus on conflict development, political risks to act, conflict motives, indigenous resource mobilisation, and public goods achievement in the conflict. The second part will offer a conclusion of the entire work of this study as well as a classification of the underlying issues found in the rise of the forest conflict phenomenon. This study refrains from trying to offer pragmatic remedies due to the complexity of the problems. Rather, it focuses on a strategic key entry point to deal with forest conflicts that has not received much attention by researchers. I argue this key entry point can also be used as an underpinning for the consolidation of the newly born Indonesian democracy at the local level, which has been much neglected by the Indonesian government and politicians.

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