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The Essence of the Craft

AutorFredmund Malik
VerlagCampus Verlag
Seitenanzahl304 Seiten
Preis23,99 EUR
Management is a craft - a universal discipline, the most important one of the 21st century. In this book, the leading author in the field of general management gives an overview of the principles and foundations that general management is based on. Looking far ahead into the information age, Malik explains the factors for success which can be verified both scientifically and practically. Fredmund Malik's general management theory is system-oriented and therefore valid all over the world at any given time. It works in all areas and industries of any society, irrespective of changing trends, of national or of cultural differences. With his consistent and well-grounded alignment along the natural phenomena of complex systems - phenomena that both executives and managers have to cope with every day - Malik sets the standard for sound management in the era of knowledge. 'One of the best management books. It contains wise and exceptional ideas.' WirtschaftsWoche

Prof. Dr. oec. habil. Fredmund Malik is a pioneer of management in complex systems. As such, he advocates the need for a complete change in approach, 180-degree turn: from the false doctrines and theories of the past to a nature, system, and brain-friendly conception. As a scientist, author, consultant, and management coach, Professor Malik has been teaching, advising, and influencing the thinking of executives and managers across all levels, organizations, and industries. For decades, the St. Gallen based professor has been an entrepreneur in his own right. He is the owner of Malik Management and the employer of around 250 people in St. Gallen, Zurich, Vienna, Berlin, London, Shanghai, and Toronto. He is also a member of several supervisory, administrative, and foundation boards. Fredmund Malik stands for the unparalleled integration of practice and science. His latest publication with Campus was the new edition of his best seller Managing, Performing, Living. Effective Management for a New Era.

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A Word on the Terms Used (S. 22-23)

In management – as opposed to other, more advanced and mature disciplines of learning – there is no such thing as uniform or common parlance. Quite to the contrary: most authors attempt to impress readers by inventing their own terms and slogans. This is a roadblock to progress and to acquiring management skills. For this book, I essentially draw on the terms used in the St. Gallen Management Model, the fi rst and so far only wholistic, system-driven management model, as well as on the linguistic usage of Peter F. Drucker, the doyen of management theory. As far as cybernetics and system sciences are concerned, I draw on the terms used by Stafford Beer, the originator of management cybernetics, and my own book Strategie des Managements komplexer Systeme [“Strategy for the Management of Complex Systems”].

1. The terms “company”, “organization”, and “institution” are largely used in the same sense. Certain variances in meaning relate to the degree of generality, or the special limitation to a segment of society. The most general terms are “institution” and “organization”. They refer to all organizations existing in a society, no matter what kind or legal form. The term “company”, in essence, belongs to the business sector. When ever no specifi c pointers are provided, it will be clear from the context what I mean when using each of these terms. The term most frequently used in this book is “company” and other terms related to it, such as “corporate policy”. The statements made will generally be applicable to all kinds of institutions. Depending on the fi eld of usage, the terms might need to be adapted somewhat, as in “educational policy” or “health policy”.

2. The term “management” itself can be understood in several ways: Firstly, as a function that exists in any kind of organization and is indispensable for its functioning. This is the so-called functional dimension of management. It is neither linked to specifi c persons nor to organizational elements. This function is not perceptible to our senses. It is incorporated in certain actions taken by individuals and in this way its impact is perceived.

Secondly, the term “management” can be understood to be the sum of the legal and/or organizational authorities in an institution. Examples include the executive board of a private company, the executive committee of a public company, a national government, or a university’s board of directors. This is referred to as the institutional dimension, and it also includes expanded boards of managers, group management, management circles, or partners’ conferences.

As far as mandatory and/ or higher-level authorities are concerned, the respective responsibilities, rights, obligations, and accountabilities are governed by laws, articles of incorporation, or statutes. Those of other organizational entities are determined by common sense and habits. Thirdly, management can be understood to include the persons that belong to the institutional authorities mentioned. This is the personal dimension of management. In particular the terms “top management” and “top manager” frequently carry that meaning."
Author’s Preface tothe English Edition 201012
Preface to the New German Edition 200716
Concept and Logic of the Series “Management: Mastering Complexity”19
Central Propositions22
A Word on the Terms Used23
What Management Is and What It Is Not26
What Management Is Not28
What Management Is40
Why Management Is Important58
Right Management Is Universally Valid61
Effectiveness: Managing People – Managing a Business68
Managing People: The Standard Model of Right and Good Management70
Managing a Business: The Integrated Management System (IMS®)99
The General Management Functions116
The Basic Model of General Management118
The Organization’s Environment121
Corporate Policy and Corporate Governance143
Innovation and Change263
Management is Getting Things Done274
Epilog – Management Responsibility and Management Ethics283
The Malik Management System and Its Users286
About the Author295

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