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Unlocking German with Paul Noble: Your key to language success

AutorPaul Noble
VerlagHarperCollins Publishers
Seitenanzahl256 Seiten
Preis7,79 EUR
Ever tried to learn German and found it too hard? Best-selling language expert Paul Noble has a quick and easy way to get you back on track with his unique tried-and-tested method.* Keeps things simple with three basic rules, don't skip anything, don't try to memorise anything and cover up to test yourself.* A fun, jargon-free way to learn* Easy-to-understand German pronunciation* PROVEN to work, Paul can teach anyone a language, even people who think they're incapablePaul's new course teaches you how to speak German more effectively, giving you the building blocks to form a huge range of conversations. This is a practical way to learn the aspects of language that you'll actually need and use, from booking a hotel room to navigating a menu, Paul will effortlessly build your confidence and give you the tools to handle any holiday situation.His 'word robbery' will also help unlock the range of vocabulary you already know. By making a few simple tweaks, you'll go from fantastic to fantastisch!Ideal for first-time learners or people who struggled in school, this book will help you absorb information quickly and efficiently, just like you did learning English as a child. Forget the way you used to be taught, this course guarantees you minimum effort and maximum success without the need for complex grammar rules or jargon. With thousands of satisfied customers, there's never been a better time to learn."e,There is nothing so complicated in foreign languages that it cannot be made simple."e, Paul NobleA quick, easy and fun way to unlock your basic language skills. Perfect for beginners, this book will give you all the information you need to build basic conversations and get by on your travels.

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