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Competitive tendering. An effective tool in ensuring value for money in public sector


AutorDr. David Ackah, Lydia Abu Gyamfi, Makafui R. Agboyi
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl20 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis11,99 EUR
Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: A, , Veranstaltung: Economiics, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This research report was carried out on the topic, 'competitive tendering as an effective tool in ensuring value for money in public sector procurement''. The main objective for this study was to examine how competitive tendering could be used as an effective tool to achieve value for money in public sector procurement at the Ahanta West District Assembly. The researcher administered twenty (20) questionnaires to some selected departments in the organization, specifically the procurement unit, the stores department, the accounting department and then the engineering department. The researcher used purposive sampling as a technique to gather ample information for this work. By purposive sampling, the researcher targeted those departments within the organization whose daily activities have direct bearing on procurement. Information gathered were analyzed critically and presented in the form of tables which is readily understandable. It was found out from the analyses that the Ahanta West District Assembly uses the competitive tendering methods in awarding most of their contracts thereby procuring goods, works and services at affordable and competitive prices. However the major problem identified was that, the processes involved are seen to be complex more especially for some contractors and those employees who have little knowledge in procurement when it comes to works and also the problem of political interference .The researcher finally recommended that series of workshops and seminars should be organized for both procurement officers especially new ones who have little knowledge in practical procurement when it comes to works and potential contractors so that they will have more insight into what goes into the preparations or processing of tender documents and lastly the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) should institute measures to monitor the adherence to the public procurement Act 663 in all public institutions.

David Ackah a Ghanaian Professional Holds Ph.D. in Economic Development in Africa, MSc. Economics from the United State of America, Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Post Graduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management, & Post Graduate Diploma in Customer Relationship Management. He also holds a Diploma in Marketing from Institute of Commercial Management (ICM UK), Standard Diploma in Sales Management from Managing & Marketing Sales Association (MAMSA UK) and a certificate in Marketing & Salesmanship from the Institute of Export and Shipping Management. David Ackah holds 'Fellow Chartered Membership' (Highest Grade Membership) from the following Institutions, Institute of Project Management Professionals Ghana, Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management, Ghana, Chartered Institute of Project Management, Nigeria, Institute of Certified Economists Ghana, & Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management, Nigeria. David Ackah is the President of Institute of Project Management Professionals and a Senior Lecturer and Internal Auditor of Golden Sunbeam University College of Science & Technology (both School of Business and Administration) with an oversight of administrative and accounting procedures as well as planning the long-term auditing strategy for the onward development of the University. He provides operational support, monitoring and periodic review of administrative auditing to ensure the achievement of the vision and goals of the University. David Ackah is an author of five Internationally Published Books in the areas of Business, and about forty-two Articles Published in the International domain. He has a total University teaching experience of 5 years, and a total professional experience of 8 years in Manufacturing, Pharma marketing, Sales/Distribution, administration, Economics & finance.

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