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Words, Words, Words: Philology and Beyond

Festschrift for Andreas Fischer on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday

AutorSarah Chevalier
VerlagNarr Francke Attempto
Seitenanzahl235 Seiten
Preis59,20 EUR
This Festschrift comprises a series of papers written in honour of the philologist Andreas Fischer, on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. As in Andreas Fischers own research, the main focus of the volume is on words: words in modern varieties, such as emergent conjunctions in Australian, American and British English, words in their cultural and historical context, such as English keywords in Old Norse literature, and words in a diachronic perspective, such as Romance suffixation in the history of English. Many contributions are anchored in the philological tradition that has informed much of Andreas Fischers own scholarship, such as the study of verbal duelling in the late thirteenth-century romance Kyng Alisaunder. Others examine the construction ofdiscourses, such as those surrounding the Black Death. The volume, with its innovative studies,offers fascinating insights into words, discourses,and their contexts, both past and present.

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Table of Contents6
List of Publications by Andreas Fischer10
Two Old English Prose Riddles of the EleventhCentury20
Discourse about DiglossiaSwiss German and Standard Germanin the Newspapers32
Cultural Translation and the Agonistic Vocabulary ofKyng Alisaunder42
Discourse, matrix and genre in Historical Semantics:ofermod and emotion60
Melancholy Accidents in Early English Newspapers78
“What’s in a name?”Names and terms of address in Shakespeare’s Romeoand Juliet96
Recursiveness in Word-FormationGrammatical, Conceptual and Typological Factors118
English Keywords in Old Norse Literature128
Emergent Conjunctions146
Romance Suffixation in the History of EnglishNew Ways of Solving an Old Problem164
Words and the New EnglishesBorrowing as Evidence of Contactand Ancestral Effects184
The Function of the Sword-Hilt Inscription inBeowulf200
On the History of try with Verbal Complements218
The Black Death and the Development of EnglishA Tale of Two Archives234

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