eBooks vom Autor: Erich Straßner

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Erich Straßner
6 E-Book vorhanden

Journalistische Texte

E-Book Journalistische Texte

The volume provides an introduction to the conditions governing the production and reception of journalistic texts (written and spoken), including the practical problems involved. Good and bad…


E-Book Zeitung

The volume provides an introduction to themes and problems central to the phenomenon of newspaper communication. It considers first of all the constitution of the concept 'newspaper' and the…

Deutsche Sprachkultur

E-Book Deutsche Sprachkultur

This volume supplements existing histories of German by concentrating on contemporary evaluations of the language through the various stages of its evolution. Initially, in the 8th century, it…


E-Book Zeitschrift

The volume provides an introduction to themes and problems central to the hitherto almost totally neglected phenomenon of communication in magazines and journals. It considers first of all the…