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German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht.

Vol. 43 (2000).

VerlagDuncker & Humblot GmbH
ReiheGerman Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht 43
Seitenanzahl509 Seiten
Preis179,90 EUR
The German Yearbook of International Law was founded in 1948 as the 'Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht' by Rudolf Laun and Hermann von Mangoldt and is now edited by the Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel. Since its inception it has endeavoured to contribute to the development of international law. Originally it has done this mainly by providing German scholars with an opportunity to publish the results of their works, but increasingly also by offering an international forum. In view of the desirability of obtaining for the Yearbook the largest possible international audience, the editors in 1976 have decided to use the present English title and to accept for publication preferably contributions written in English, or - to a lesser degree - in French. Naturally, the Yearbook also contains contributions written in German. This policy to overcome traditional language barriers appears to have proven successful both in informing the international law community about research done in German academic institutions and in presenting international viewpoints on various topics to the German audience. The Yearbook provides an annual report on the work of international organizations and bodies including the International Court of Justice and the European Court and Commission of Human Rights. Fully aware of the paramount importance of practical aspects in this field, the editors from the beginning also have sought to include contributions from practitioners of international law.

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Blick ins Buch
Focus Section: Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region10
Ineta Ziemele: The Role of International Organizations in Strengthening Human Rights Performances in the Baltic Sea Region10
Jonas Ebbesson: A Critical Assessment of the 1992 Baltic Sea Convention39
Axel Krohn: The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS): Fostering Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region66
General Articles78
Joan Fitzpatrick: Refugee Protection in the Twenty-First Century78
AIbrecht Weber: The European Charter of Fundamental Rights102
Matthias Ruffert: The Protection of Foreign Direct Investment by the European Convention on Human Rights117
Kenneth Glenn Dau-Scbmidt: International Regulation of the Employment Relationship in the New Age of Trade and Technology: International Labour Organization Standards and the Decline of Lifetime Employment150
Hannah L. Buxbaum: Cooperative International Regulatory Enforcement and the Privilege Against Self-incrimination in the United States172
Joshua Castellino/Steve Allen: The Doctrine of Uti Possidetis: Crystallization of Modern Post-Colonial Identity206
Comments and Case Note228
Sienho Yee: The News that Opinio Juris "Is Not a Necessary Element of Customary [International] Law" Is Greatly Exaggerated228
Peter Hulsroj: Unsanctioned Sanctions240
Marcelo G. Kohen: Uti possidetis , prescription et pratique subséquente à un traité dans l'affaire de Vile de Kasikili/Sedudu devant la Cour internationale de Justice254
German Section277
Anne Peters: The Bananas Decision (2000) of the German Federal Constitutional Court: Towards Reconciliation with the European Court of Justice as Regards Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe277
Jasper Finke: Granting Asylum and Protection from Deportation to Civil War Refugees under German Constitutional Law and the German Aliens Act: The Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court of 10 August 2000284
Corinna Heyder/Kirstin Thelen: Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes im Jahre 2000299
Monika Heymann: Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige Jugoslawien im Jahre 2000325
Janine Gall/Henning Jessen: Die Rechtsprechung des WTO-Streitbeilegungsgremiums im Jahre 2000356
Christian J. Tams: Die Tätigkeit der International Law Commission im Jahre 2000404
Ursula Blanke/Nicki Boldt: Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte im Jahre 2000431
Arzu Erdogan: Die Tätigkeit des Ministerkomitees und der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarats im Jahre 2000464
Book Reviews482
Anthony Aust: Modern Treaty Law and Practice (Delbrück)482
Jay E. Austin/Carl E. Bruch (eds.): The Environmental Consequences of War. Legal, Economic, and Scientific Perspectives {Delbrück)483
Bernd Roland Eisner: Die Bedeutung des Volkes im Völkerrecht. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigimg der historischen Entwicklung und der Praxis des Selbstbestimmungsrechts der Völker {Delbrück)485
Vera Gowlland-Debbas (ed., with the Assistance of Hassiba Hadj-Sahraoui and Nouo Hayashi ): Multilateral Treaty-Making - The Current Status of Challenges to and Reforms Needed in the International Legislative Process (Delbrück)487
Leslie C. Green: The Contemporary Law of Armed Conflict (2nd ed.) (Kessler)488
Kay Hailbronner: Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the European Union (Hofmann)490
Peter Hilpold: Die EU im GATT/WTO-System. Aspekte einer Beziehung „sui generis" (Tarns)491
Hans-Joachim Letztel: Streitbeilegung im Rahmen der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO): Geschichte und völkerrechtliche Qualität (Tams)494
Albrecht Randelzhofer/Oliver Dörr: Entschädigung für Zwangsarbeit? Zum Problem individueller Entschädigungsansprüche von ausländischen Zwangsarbeitern während des Zweiten Weltkrieges gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Kadelbach)496
Ulrike Rausch: Grenzüberschreitende Kooperation. Der kanadisch-US-amerikanische Nordosten und die Oberrheinregion im Vergleich (Tietje)500
August Reinisch: International Organizations Before National Courts (Delbrück)502
Marco Sassoli/Antoine A. Bouvier: How Does Law Protect in War? (Kessler)504
Books Received506
List of Contributors509

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