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Calvin and the Book

The Evolution of the Printed Word in Reformed Protestantism

VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl170 Seiten
Preis69,99 EUR
The Protestant Reformation has long had the reputation as being a movement of 'the Book', led by reformers like John Calvin who were 'men of the Book'. The essays in this volume reveal many of the underlying complexities of these terms. Building on research and scholarly discussions of recent decades, these authors delve into a variety of topics related to John Calvin and the printed word, ranging from the physical changes in printed texts in the first decades of the Reformation to Calvin's thinking about the relationship of two books - the Bible and his own Institutes - to Christian doctrine. Calvin remains a towering figure in the Protestant Reformation, whose theology and religious views are still often cast as rigid and unchanging. These essays emphasize, in contrast, the evolutions and transitions that were fundamental to Calvin's own participation in the Reformation and to the ways that his leadership influenced developments in Reformed Christianity in the following centuries. The contributors, international experts on the history of Calvin and Reformed Protestantantism and on Calvin's theology, bring a wide variety of historical and theological approaches to bear on the question of Calvin's relationship to the printed word. Taken all together, these essays will push specialists and general readers to rethink standard assumptions about Calvin's influence on Reformed Christianity and, in particular, about the interplay among theology, Reformed discipline, religious education efforts, and the printed word in early modern Europe.

Karen E. Spierling, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of History at Denison University, Granville, OH, USA.

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Title Page4
Table of Contents6
Karen E. Spierling: Introduction: Calvin, the Book, and Reformed Traditions10
Andrew Pettegree: Chapter One: Calvin and Luther as Men of the Book18
Margo Todd: Chapter Two: Practicing the Books of Discipline: The Problem of Equality before the Law in Scottish Parish Consistories34
Jennifer Powell McNutt: Chapter Three: Replacing Calvin? The Catechism of Calvin in Eighteenth-Century Geneva58
Euan Cameron: Chapter Four: Calvin the Historian: Biblical Antiquity and Scriptural Exegesis in the Quest for a Meaningful Past78
Bruce Gordon: Chapter Five: Creating a Reformed Book of Knowledge: Immanuel Tremellius, Franciscus Junius, and Their Latin Bible, 1580–159096
William Dyrness: Chapter Six: God’s Play : Calvin, Theatre, and the Rise of the Book124
Matthew Myer Boulton: Chapter Seven: “Even More Deeply Moved”: Calvin on the Rhetorical, Formational Function of Scripture and Doctrine138
About the Authors148

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