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Wesen und Wirken der Weisheit in der Sapientia Salomonis

AutorMartin Neher
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheBeihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche WissenschaftISSN 333
Seitenanzahl284 Seiten
Preis109,95 EUR

The author addresses the controversial question of whether the personification of wisdom in the Sapientia Salomonis already represents a hypostasis or whether it is merely a preliminary stage in the sense of a poetic personification. Following an analysis of the historical traditions of the relevant wisdom texts in Proverbs 1-9, Job 28, Ecclesiasticus 1:1-10 and 24, the author proceeds to interpret the central texts of the Sapientia Salomonis (Wisdom 1:1-10; 7:1-8:1; 9:1-18 and 0:1-11:1).

When looking at the concept of wisdom and the associated problem of the mediation between God and the human being, one must assume that there are influences from contemporary philosophy, as numerous philosophical borrowings are to be found in the late Jewish text (Middle Stoa: Poseidonios of Apamea; Middle Platonism: Antiochos of Ascalon, Eudoros of Alexandria).

Diss. theol. 2003 bei Prof. Dr. Dres.h.c. Otto Kaiser, Philipps-Universität Marburg.

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